Here’s a great article from The Crazy Programmer In this article, we will learn about 2-3-4 Trees. We will look at the creation of 2-3-4 trees and look at the operations performed on this trees with examples. We will also look at the time for each operation and its applications. 2-3-4 Tree is a Self-balancing, […]
Here’s a great article from WebFX Blog Did you know that users spend an average of 40 minutes a day on Facebook? This platform is an excellent place for you to reach people where they’re spending their time. But how do you reach the people that haven’t discovered your business yet? Enter Facebook ads. Facebook […]
Here’s a great article from SitePoint In this article, we’ll create a simple desktop application using Electron and React. It will be a small text editor called “scratchpad” that automatically saves changes as you type, similar to FromScratch. We’ll pay attention to making the application secure by using Electron Forge, the up-to-date build tool provided […]
Here’s a great article from The Crazy Programmer Cloud technology is the new normal for tech-savvy people who consider themselves Digital Nomads. With the rise in a shift towards cloud technology, especially IT people, have changed the way they work. Besides, it has made it easier for professionals and even ordinary people to access the […]
Here’s a great article from WebFX Blog You’re surfing the Internet on your phone for information about a product you want to buy. In the Google search results, you see a page that looks promising, and tap on it. Sure enough, the information there is exactly what you wanted to find. But, the font is […]
Here’s a great article from SitePoint Obsidian is a note-taking and knowledge management app by the people who created Dynalist, a popular online outliner and one of my favorite tools. They think of it as “an IDE for your notes.” It lets you turn a collection of plain text files into a rich network of […]
Here’s a great article from The Crazy Programmer The launch of coinlayer, an API that integrates real-time crypto rates on websites and applications, has made it easier for developers to provide exchange rates for over 385 cryptocurrencies. One of the most-watched markets globally is the cryptocurrency market, and the rising interest of investors has made […]
Here’s a great article from WebFX Blog When you build a website for your business, one of your foremost objectives should be ensuring that it meets Google’s standards. You want your web content to rank in Google search results, and for that to happen, it must satisfy Google’s algorithms. But with Google being secretive about […]
Here’s a great article from Ray Wenderlich | High quality programming tutorials: iOS, Android, Swift, Kotlin, Unity, and more <h2>Build fluid and engaging declarative UI for your apps — using less code — with SwiftUI!</h2> <p>SwiftUI by Tutorials is designed to help you learn how to transition from the “old way” of building your app […]
Here’s a great article from SitePoint Over the last few years, serverless functions (sometimes also referred to as “serverless” or “serverless computing”) has become a popular technology. However, there’s still a lot of confusion around the term. How can you run code without servers? What are the pros and cons of the technology? What are […]
Here’s a great article from The Crazy Programmer Operating System (OS) is a platform that allows a user to interact with the computer hardware. This serves as the interface between them. Allowing the user to execute different kinds of functions on the machine and utilize the hardware to the fullest. A kernel is a structure […]
Here’s a great article from WebFX Blog As a business owner, reaching as many potential customers as possible is paramount to your success — and Facebook marketing is a fantastic option to help you do so. With more than 2 billion monthly users, Facebook is a social media powerhouse that can help you reach new […]