Category Archives: Blog

6+ Best Websites for Free Fonts in 2020

Here’s a great article from SitePoint I firmly believe that, in order to strike the optimal balance between minimalism and visual appeal, a user interface should display no more than what’s absolutely necessary while making those necessary elements look visually appealing. Keep it simple, but make the simple look amazing. But, what does simple look […]

How to Improve On-Page SEO: 7 SEO Improvements to Skyrocket Results

Here’s a great article from WebFX Blog On-page SEO is essential to the success of any website, and if you’re reading this page, you likely already know the massive impact a successful on-page SEO campaign can have on your business. Regardless of whether you have an existing on-page SEO campaign, or you’re starting from scratch […]

Student Registration Form in HTML with JavaScript Validation

Here’s a great article from The Crazy Programmer In this tutorial, I will tell you how to make student registration form in html with javascript validation. Javascript is basically used to validate HTML pages in web application. Validations are basically some rules to follow when inputting values to register on-site. Validation can be anything like: […]

Create New Express.js Apps in Minutes with Express Generator

Here’s a great article from SitePoint Express.js is a Node.js web framework that has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity. It has easy-to-use routing and simple support for view engines, putting it far ahead of the basic Node HTTP server. However, starting a new Express application requires a certain amount of boilerplate code: starting […]