Category Archives: Blog

Catalyst by Tutorials [SUBSCRIBER]

Here’s a great article from Ray Wenderlich | High quality programming tutorials: iOS, Android, Swift, Kotlin, Unity, and more <h2>Run iOS apps Natively on macOS With Catalyst!</h2> <p>Catalyst by Tutorials shows you how to take all of those great apps you’ve built on iOS and run them right on macOS. But like everything else with […]

Callback Function in C

Here’s a great article from The Crazy Programmer Suppose you call your friend for some help and at that time he is busy with some work. He told you that he will callback you after some time. This process is called callback and when it comes to programming, the process of calling back a function […]

Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials [SUBSCRIBER]

Here’s a great article from Ray Wenderlich | High quality programming tutorials: iOS, Android, Swift, Kotlin, Unity, and more <p>The importance of concurrency is discovered quite early on by people who start with Android development. Android is inherently asynchronous and event-driven, with strict requirements as to on which thread certain things can happen.</p> <p>Add to […]

3 Best Programming Languages for Cyber Security

Here’s a great article from The Crazy Programmer Coding is required in nearly every technology field, and cybersecurity is no different. To accurately assess the activities of dangerous actors on their networks, cybersecurity experts must comprehend a variety of coding principles. While coding abilities aren’t required for every cybersecurity profession, it’s difficult to conceive a […]

Metal by Tutorials [SUBSCRIBER]

Here’s a great article from Ray Wenderlich | High quality programming tutorials: iOS, Android, Swift, Kotlin, Unity, and more <h2>Build your own low-level game engine in Metal!</h2> <p>Metal is a unified application programming interface (API) for the graphics processing unit, or GPU. It’s unified because it applies to both 3D graphics and data-parallel computation paradigms. […]